Kartik Chaudhary

Machine Learning Scientist

Author Archives: Kartik Chaudhary

Sound Wave Basics — Every Data Scientist must know before starting analysis on Audio Data

An intuitive overview of a sound wave for getting started with audio analysis 1. Introduction Humans are born with incredible abilities. Hearing sound is one of the most awesome abilities we have. The sound makes our life easy, It makes us aware of our surroundings, possible dangers. Blind individuals use their ears to see the world. The sound… Read More »

Boosting your Sequence Generation Performance with ‘Beam Search + Language model’ decoding

when, why and how of ‘ Beam Search ‘ and LM decoding Whenever Image Processing, Audio data Analysis or Natural language processing (NLP) tasks are concerned, Deep learning has proved to be an ideal choice and has shown outstanding outcomes. Neural Network-based model architectures are really good at understanding complex patterns as well as generating meaningful and realistic… Read More »

Python Predicts PUBG Mobile

A simple approach to predict future frames in video (PUBG) data using Python Introduction : It is impossible to predict the future! ( Unless you have a time stone -:) ). But predicting the immediate future is not very hard for us (Humans). We do it in the real-life quite often — while playing a game or watching a movie one can… Read More »