Category Archives: Classification

Sentiment Classification with Deep Learning: RNN, LSTM, and CNN

Sentiment classification is a common task in Natural Language Processing(NLP). There are various ways to do sentiment classification in Machine Learning (ML). In this article, we talk about how to perform sentiment classification with Deep Learning (Artificial Neural Networks). In my previous two articles, We have already talked about how to perform sentiment analysis using different traditional machine… Read More »

Sentiment Analysis with Python: TFIDF features

In my previous article on ‘Sentiment Analysis with Python: Bag of Words‘, We compared the results of three traditional machine learning sentiment classification algorithms using bag-of-words features(from scratch). This is my second article on sentiment analysis in continuation of that and this time we are going to experiment with TFIDF features for the task of Sentiment Analysis on… Read More »

Sentiment Analysis with Python: Bag of Words

Sentiment Analysis Overview Sentiment Analysis(also known as opinion mining or emotion AI) is a common task in NLP (Natural Language Processing). It involves identifying or quantifying sentiments of a given sentence, paragraph, or document that is filled with textual data. Sentiment Analysis techniques are widely applied to customer feedback data (ie., reviews, survey responses, social media posts). Sentiment Analysis has proved… Read More »

How to deal with Imbalanced data in classification?

If you have some experience in solving the classification problems then you must have encountered imbalanced data several times. An imbalanced dataset is a dataset that has an imbalanced distribution of the examples of different classes. Consider a binary classification problem where you have two classes 1 and 0 and suppose more than 90% of your training examples… Read More »

Bagging, Boosting, and Stacking in Machine Learning

Ensemble learning techniques are quite popular in machine learning. These techniques work by training multiple models and combining their results to get the best possible outcome. In this article, we will learn about three popular ensemble learning methods-bagging, boosting, and stacking. Each one of these methods has its own benefits and limitations, but in practice ensemble methods often… Read More »

Mining Interpretable Rules from Classification Models

As data scientists, we come across numerous classification problems every once in a while. Ensemble learning techniques like bagging and boosting typically give us quite high classification performances. But all such models are much complex and hard to interpret. To make sure that everything is working fine and also to understand the prediction results/logic better, it becomes necessary… Read More »